🏼 Hi, my name is Zakaria ✨, I'm from the UK 🇬🇧.


UI Designer & Programmer

Hey, I mentio- ned my name earlier!
In case you wondered what's the meaning of my name
It's a wondrous name and its meaning reminds one to do good and forbid evil and act justly instead of unjustly and remember the favours and honour its bestower and cause no harm and be kind to echo joy and bring goodness.
Also, I come from a country which has 5 beautiful flags

Please mind me, I want to tell you more about myself! Hi, I'm Zakaria. I used to live in Manchester and had very difficult time and when COVID happened, more than ever I felt very very sad and the best thing I ever can do is to move to another city and maybe things will get better in my life and the world and I did move and later I had an epiphany that inspired me I was born to find the best girl in the world and become her bestest friend and protect her in case she needs me because the world needs her and because we need each other and we can have fun and do innocent and beautiful things together.

I lived and grew in different way to most people, and I didn't have any friends and after moving to another city, I learn't as part of my epiphany, that I need to make friends and I would enjoy life if I do more than if I would keep living without friends and on my own, but there is a key I need first to find my bestest friends and it's with the best girl in the world.

Therefore, currently, I'm searching for the best girl in the world so I can find my bestest friends and make friends and have fun, and since I lived the way I lived, I remained like a child and my epiphany revealed to me few things to find my bestest friends beside the key with a girl, who will be my bestest friend and she is a child, and she is the best girl in the world and she have the most beautiful heart in the world and the best mom and dad in the world and she have the best girl in the world hair and it's colour some people would call it light brown and other dark brown but it's not the one close to black but the one close to gold and I hope one day I can find her.

Also, I have two dreams my epiphany revealed to me, it would be my bestest friends dreams and since I love Computer Science I have dream one day I go to Cambridge university and graduate with Computer Science and I have not studied GCSEs due to the way I lived and when my epiphany was revealed, I thought it would be great if I can find the best girl in the world and my bestest friends and make oath to go to Cambridge university and study for it along the way we become friends, as it would be their dream along as well as to enter gardening competition which I felt I would only be able to do and win if I find the best girl in the world and my bestest friends and work together on building a beautiful garden and I hope one day I can do this.

On the 5th of July, 2023, I found the best girl in the world.

Believe it or not, yes I did it, I found her 😁 😆 😅 🤣 🥹 ☺️ 😊 😇 In short, after I went to play in the park to search for her and make friends, a person shouted at me and threatened me to leave the park and told everyone to not play with me 😭 and as result I stayed spending most of the time at home because I don't feel safe if someone shouts at me again and I loved figure skating so much.

I was inspired to watch figure skating programs and I found the best girl in the world here but the sad thing , I felt I can't become her bestest friend at least for now because she lives in Moskva and she don't know anything about me and she is a figure skater and she is so amazing and everything I had in my epiphany I found it in her and I felt I need to be as good as her so one day we might be able to meet at a competition perhaps and more become bestest friends and I set this task to become very good at figure skating and joined skating club and now my objective is to become the first boy who can perform the quintuple axel so I can be proud of myself and relate to her and more impress the best girl in the world as well as my bestest friends 😊.

The best girl in the world knows nothing about me for now, and in case a miracle happened, and she was inspired and guided to anything about me, and she wanted to find out about my epiphany, I'm just going to say her name is Любовь and it means something so beautiful and kind ☺️.

But for now, I need to jump high and high more than any other figure skater and currently exercising on jumps, dancing, and learning figure skating.

Daily Routine
Personal Skills
  • Languages I can speak!
    • English
    • Русский
  • Some of my skills!
    • Fold t-shirt in 3 seconds
    • Full UK driving license
    • Make delicious smoothies
    • Working Well
  • Sports I enjoy exercising!
    • Taekwondo - Red Tag
    • Football
    • Swimming
    • Mountain biking
    • Figure Skating
  • Hobbies I have fun with!
    • Reading Manga
    • Programming
    • Travelling
    • Hackathons
  • My religion and drive forces!
    • Rights
    • Truth
    • Staying in the safer side
    • Justice
    • Putting things in it's place
    • The right time
    • The right way
    • The right place
    • Soundness
    • Respect
    • Dignity
    • Humility
    • Freedom in align with the truth of nature
    • Love
    • Causing no harm
    • Peace
    • Learning
    • Grasping
    • Pro
Technical Skills
  • Server Development
    • Red-Hat
    • CentOS
    • cPanel
    • WHM
    • Azure
    • Varnish Cache
    • DNS Distribution
    • PowerDNS Server
    • High Availability
    • Load Balancing
    • Secure FTP
    • Secure SSH
    • DoH/DoT
    • IPv4v6
    • HAProxy
    • PowerDNS Recursor
    • HTTPD Webserver
    • HTTPD Proxy
    • HTTPD ModSec
    • OWASP ModSecurity
    • ModSecurity CRS
    • Secure Dovecot
    • Secure EXIM
    • Secure Redis Proxy
    • LinuxSE
    • Linux Firewall
    • VPN
    • Secure Mail Server
    • Secure Websocket Server
    • Supervisord
    • Linux Services
  • Web Development
    • PHP
    • Web Compression
    • Laravel
    • Laravel Echo
    • Laravel Passport
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Sass
    • Grunt
    • NPM
    • Composer
    • Laravel Packages
    • Webpack
    • SVG Animation
    • Responsive UIs
    • Javascript
    • JQuery
    • D3
    • Bootstrap
    • Leap Motion JS
    • User Experience
    • Web User Interface
    • Mobile User Interface
    • Localised Interface
    • Graphic Design
    • vBulletin Styles
    • Wordpress Themes
    • Roundcube
    • Roundcube Plugins
    • Web Notifications
    • SVG Sprite
    • Websockets
    • Secure REST API
    • OAuth 2.0
  • Mobile Development
    • Android
    • Android Material
    • Android Drawables
    • Android Animated Drawables
    • Android Security
    • Android Networking
    • Java Native
    • Xamarin
    • iOS
    • Swift
    • Push Notifications
    • Websocket for Mobile
  • Smart Watch Development
    • Heart Rate Sensor
    • Apple Watch
    • Android Wear
    • Galaxy Watch
  • Data and Computer Science
    • Data Structures
    • Algorithms
    • MySQL
    • MySQL Cluster
    • MySQL Security
    • SQL-Server
    • Redis
    • Redis Cluster
    • Redis Security
  • Development Methods
    • Internationalisation
    • Localisation
    • Full Stack
    • System Architect
    • Test Driven
    • Github
    • Gitflow
    • BitBucket
    • Jira
    • Confluence
  • IDEs & APIs
    • Leap Motion JS SDK
    • Twilio
    • Xero
    • Nexmo
    • Sendgrid
    • Whats3Words
    • Android Studio
    • PHPStorm
    • Eclipse
    • Visual Studio
    • HP HavenOnDemand
    • Google Services
    • Azure Services
    • Translation APIs
    • PHPMyAdmin
    • SQL Server Studio
    • xCode
    • Fork
    • Sublime
    • UML Star
    • Postman
  • Programming Languages
    • Bash
    • C#
    • EXIM
    • Java
    • Visual Basic
    • C
    • C++
    • Windows Driver Framework
    • Linux Modules
    • PHP
    • Javascript
    • Ruby
    • Python
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Professional
    • Museum of Science and Industry

      STEM Ambassador

      Devised and delivered Computer Science activities and inspired people how fun is to study CS. Volunteered on a regular basis, for the museum participation in STEMNET, within Manchester and North West.

      • September 2014 to February 2017
      • Manchester, United Kingdom
    • NeST Hackathon

      1st Prize

      Developed NextStop, that is an Android app which lets people find instantaneous information about buses time arrival. for cost-effective purposes we used smartphone in each Bus as GPS provider to feed bus location.

      • April 2015
      • University Of Liverpool, United Kingdom
    • WarwickHack Hackathon

      Entrepreneurs Prize

      Developed PickIt, which is a BnB equivalent web app providing an on offer space as a storage service.

      • March 2015
      • University Of Warwick, United Kingdom
    • HackLondon Hackathon

      Most Passionate Speaker Prize

      Developed Just Tinder, it's an Android application for online food ordering focussed on providing an enticing customer experience.

      • March 2015
      • Kings College, United Kingdom
    • UN Influx Hackathon

      1st Place and Best Technical Prizes

      Developed We The Peoples, voting platform, which lets nations choose the Secretary-General of the United Nations, that meant to be 1 for 7 billion where as of now only the 5 permanent countries are allowed to vote.

      • March 2015
      • Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom
    • Global Citizenship Award

      MMU Futures Programme

      I was awarded the Global Citizenship Award, as a result of attaining the ability to speak in secondary language through completing a course as well as conducting a research on Food Miles as imported food which has negative impact on the environment where I concluded with few yet effective solutions to combat the harmful threats of global warming.

      • September 2013
      • Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
    • MMU Futures Gold Award

      MMU Futures Programme

      I was awarded the Gold Award, as a result of attaining high records in voluntary and learning new skills work which I've completed as part of various widening participation programmes such as STEMNet and MMU Discipline Specific Ambassador.

      • June 2014
      • Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
    • MMU Futures Silver Award

      MMU Futures Programme

      I was awarded the Silver Award, as a result of learning new skills and completing extensive extracurricular courses such as the Intelligent Device development and volunteering in organising Manchester Science Festival.

      • February 2014
      • Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
    • MMU Futures Bronze Award

      MMU Futures Programme

      I was awarded the Bronze Award as a result of attaining high records in voluntary work which I've completed in different areas such as Art.

      • June 2013
      • Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
“University Of Warwick Logo” by Shadowssettle is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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